Green Jacket


Woody Hines co-founded Men of Habit in his Princeton, New Jersey dorm room as a freshman. That was just 18 months ago. In between journalism assignments, cross country, and philosophy lectures, he muses on everything from starting your neckwear collection to building your wardrobe on a student’s budget. Here Woody, his nickname, looks pulled together even though it appears as if he resurrected his khakis from a dirty clothes pile in the corner; which is perfectly acceptable when you are a college student.

Princeton, New Jersey

Princeton, New Jersey

What he loves: for the milder weather this holiday season, one can dress up a bit and use his sport coat as outerwear. I usually go sock-less as my feet rarely get chilly. If you’re worried about fickle weather, bring a scarf and you’ll be covered for most contingencies on these is-it-or isn’t-it-cold days. The green with the deep, subdued plaids fits the season as well.